Friday, December 31, 2010

Weight Watchers and the Holidays

Well, I joined Weight Watchers on September 9th.  To date I have lost 13 pounds.  Well, I HAD lost 13 pounds.  It was a hard week and I didn't make my meeting to see where I am on the scale.  It was a "comfort food" week and I know that isn't good.

This time of year is awful for many of us.  I am one of those people.  My father died 2 days after Christmas when I was 12.  I miss my three oldest kids who are in Illinois and I can't see them due to financial restraint. My step-father is dying of cancer and I don't know when I'll see him again.  If I will.

So enough whining.  I say this to help those of an "underweight" persuasion to realize that us fat gals eat when we are sad.  At least this one does.  I find comfort in food which is unfortunate.  Food is the ONLY thing I can control in this life and, obviously, that has been "out-of-control" for years.  Sad how Satan makes me think that I have to control things by food and I see the results of that thinking on my hips and everywhere else. WW meetings are on Wednesday nights.  I start a new week every Thursday.  Yesterday I was sick and didn't "feel" like doing anything right.  How am I going to change this week?  I'd like to go to God and ask Him to comfort me instead of the gynormous pot of homeade chili in the fridge.  I'm going to give Him a chance.  I am also planning to do some more yoga.  Every time I do I feel amazing!  So, we'll see.  I hope I remember to keep blogging.  Might just be therapy. :)

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